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Blue Bankers

Investment and Facilitation The National Investment Promotion & Facilitation Agency (NIPFA) of India was established in the year 2015 with the theme being “ Invest India “ and is the single point of contact for any investor coming to India . Gimmicks include relationship dedicated managers for any investor or group of investors who will

Undersea Cyber Battles

Significance of Undersea Optic Cables As low bandwidth and high latency of satellite data service was insufficient to cater to global telecommunication streams a phenomenal growth took place in digital global infrastructure comprising an intercontinental network of 400 undersea fiber-optic cable communications network which daily transmits approximately  $ 10 trillion worth of financial transactions data

Exclusive Economic Zones

UNCLOS and Rights of Coastal States The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) grants special rights to the coastal states with regards to exploration and use of marine resources including energy production ,in the area in its jurisdiction at times termed as exclusive economic zone (EEZ) . Economic Control of Waters

Sicilian Mafia & Floating Cocaine

Cocaine Smugglers Latest Modus Operandi Italy and New Zealand are perplexed by the latest modus operandi adopted by cocaine and drug smugglers on the high seas. New Zealand anti drug enforcement authorities this year shared details of an operation in which they had discovered 81 bales of cocaine successfully retrieving 3 tons of cocaine with

Women Emerge on Maritime Horizon

Women and IMO Support Credit UN News Maritime and shipping has historically been a male dominated industry . The International Maritime Organization (IMO) discovered that women represent only 1-2 % of the world’s 1.25 million seafarers and they mostly work in cruise ships. The mission of a merchant ship is to carry cargo from one

CAREC Moves Finally

From Concept to Operations The Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program is a partnership of 11 countries and development partners working together to promote development through cooperation leading to accelerated economic growth and poverty reduction. It is guided by the overarching vision of “Good Neighbors, Good Partners, and Good Prospects.” Geopolitical conflicts exacerbated disruptions

Poor Man’s Weapon

Turkish Drone Technology The Turkish Navy commissioned an amphibious carrier called TCG Anadolu which is basically a vessel for sea based operations for Turkey’s armed drones which have advanced technology. Initially designed for F-35B which was primarily a short takeoff / vertical aircraft . The ships length is 231 meters with a range of 9,000

Saudi Arabia goes East

Crude storages post Ukraine Conflict The Saudi petrochemical conglomerate Aramco has recently made two strategic ventures with its biggest client.Rongsheng is China’s largest integrated refining and chemicals facility and the controlling owner of Zhejiang Petrochemical Corp (ZPC)  and a huge manufacturer of polyesters .Aramco will supply ZPC with petrochemical feedstocks of naphtha and paraxylene being

Kazakh Rail’s Nurly Zhol Initiative

Kazakhstan Railway as a Logistic Hub After the dissolution of the Soviet Union Kazakhstan inherited a railway system spread over 15,000 km  connected to Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The land mass of Kazakhstan ,a landlocked country, covers an area of 2.7 million sq km. Kazakhstan is developing into a logistic hub between Europe, Middle

Golden Triangle and Casinos

Drugs arrive at seaports The dense jungles of Thailand,Laos and Myanmar have the notorious fame of being known as the Golden Triangle of illicit drug production.The US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) estimates that more then eight million containers arrive at seaports while small crafts with illicit drug cargoes call at US coastal towns across the

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